Whats been painted...

Quick update on things i'm painting. Currently i have been working on my LoTR and getting into painting some more bits for Frostgrave.

Eowyn from GW's Lord of the Rings SBG

Here i have painted up Eowyn, though unarmoured she does provide a useful cheap to the force.

Eowyn from GW's Lord of the Rings SBG
Radagast from GW's Lord of the Rings SBG

While getting back into Frostgrave i decided to paint up some wizards for another warband

Radagast from GW's Lord of the Rings SBG

Saruman from GW's Lord of the Rings SBG

Who better to be a wizard master than Saruman

Saruman from GW's Lord of the Rings SBG
Finally getting through my numerous Rohan for my infantry force.

Plastic Warriors of Rohan from GW's Lord of the Rings SBG

And finally some proper Frostgrave. An infantryman and my wizards creation,
Thomas, a wooden construct.

Plastic Frostgrave soldier and metal large construct.

Plastic Frostgrave soldier and metal large construct.

Til next time.


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