
Showing posts from December, 2021

One last batrep before Christmas...

 Warhammer 6th   I have the 4th game of my Grudge Match with Chaos. I have to say, it was fun playing Chaos for a change. Click here for Battle Report    Mt skeletons are getting painted. I have had a few games with the Tomb kings now... and have learnt a lot. Hopefully once more than half my army is painted i will get up some reports with them. Void 1.1 ... And so it begins. My Junker starter force has arrived. It was actual quite a nice suprise hat came with it... i must not have been paying attention. I t has a nice selection of miniatures, some dice, a rule book and a whole bunch of card tokens and templates. Its actually quite a nice start to the game. Junkers starter force, Void 1.1 (2021)  So with a few items to paint, and me having some time off over Christmas, i'd hope to get some stuff painted!

Happy Christmas

  Wow, its been a while since i posted. I was definitely hoping for a better year on the blog, but hey, that is life. So whats upon me at the moment...  Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition      Well, fantasy has remained popular this year, and my 2k Lizardmen army is complete for now. I will be adding a few bits as i have time. Next July i have booked in to take part in the Warhammer tourney in Daventry so iam planning another 2k army so i will have some options.    Foolishly i am going for Tomb Kings, so i will see what i can do with them. They are not going to be the Egyptian style ones but more of a Barrow Wight army. It will be made up of various miniatures including some classic screaming skull catapults. The idea is this army was raised from the Isle of Wights on Albion. Skeletons from Warlord Games and Oathmark Skeletons from Warlord Games and Oathmark   I am still getting round to my backlog of battle reports. I have been working my way thr...