Some Age of Magic


  Finally got my GoPro to work as i want i wanted to try a new way of recording video's. So i use my Lizardmen to create a Great Kingdoms force and got at it.

  Let me know if you rather this style of report.


  Got my Saurus hero painted, just leaving me with 6 command figures to paint. So, hopefully by the next set of vids it will be a fully painted 1000pt army.

5th Edition Warhammer Saurus Hero - Games Workshop

5th Edition Warhammer Saurus Hero - Games Workshop


  So i have finished all i have brought from Amera to complete my Lustria Themed table. Really happy how it turned out. Here's the table with about £60 of scenery on it and it fills a 6'x4' table nicely. 

Amera Plastics Scenery

  Then just add some bamboo skewer trees, aquarium plant shrubs and some lichen foliage and you have a decent looking table.

 Finally some shots of the final pieces added to my Amera collection.

Till next time, Dha weles!

Figures Painted
Lord of the Rings - 25
Warhammer / Fantasy - 79
Warhammer 40K - 14
Historical 28mm - 5

Side commissions:
Lord of the Rings - 5
Warhammer - 1
Other - 13


  1. amazing pictures and love how that table of our scenery looks thanks for great article!


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