First new SAGA batrep...

  Well, hey folks. Its been a while, but I have a new report. Yes I have finally posted a SAGA version 2 report. Its a bit longer than usual as I discuss some of the changes as they pop into my head, which, as you can imagine, is at random points!

  So what else have I been up to? Well, I have been trying to organise some fun events at the club. I mean its open for 12hrs so there's no excuse for some big games. So to start with on May 27th, I will be running a friendly SAGA tournament. Just a small one so old and new players can learn some of the new rules. It will be a 4pt event, which include some random doubles thrown in.

This will be a good test to see how the new rules stack up, as we should have a mix of forces. Also it will be good to see if the game stays balanced at 4pts too. I was going to take my newly painted Cornish/Welsh warband but... other players are taking the Welsh, so for the sake of testing the new rules limits I will probably take a stand in (Rohan) Anglo-Saxon army, as they really struggled in the previous version at the smaller points. But with Levy troops now able to generate SAGA dice, just maybe an all Levy force could work!

  Finally we getting some more Lord of the Rings gaming in. It is such a good system I do enjoy playing it. On July 1st will be playing an epic “Castle Duel”, these games are for fun and to get a lot of models down on the table. Oh, and of course, to be able to get some siege action going.

  Sieges are always difficult to do and the LotR system seems to make a fun and tough game of it. Below is the proposed set up. As you can see, as well as the castles there are three village. Each team has one village and half (their riverside half), of the centre village. The ownership of towns allow re-enforcements to be gained every 6 turns.

  The river is not impassable, but does have an additional -1 to swim tests due to its fast flowing nature.

  As you can imagine the battle is a fight for territory to begin with and when one side gets the upper-hand, it becomes siege. Fun and brutal.

Well thats it for know, write soon.

Dha weles!


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