
Warhammer Resurrection Event

   So i have finally started to upload my reports from the event I went to in July. Now the holiday season is over i have my internet being a tad more responsive.   The event itself was a great blast, and quickly booked for the November event, but i will do a full round up video once all the reports are out. Game 1 - Click here. Game 2 - Click here    Right'o, thats all for now. I'll get back to my recording.

I rummage through my old miniatures...

   So after testing positive for Covid, i close my club for the week. This means my only twice monthly gaming fix is halved. So knowing that and having a day to myself i thought i'd get some gaming projects sorted.    Now it would make sense to crack on with the plethora of projects i am in the middle... or i could randomly go through my piles of shame and paint something older... Warhammer 40k     So among my boxes of bits and damaged aged models i found my tub of battered Marines, this got me wanting to patch them and get them back up to scratch. The have been jackals, space wolves, crimson fists, white scars and Salamnders... so after deciding to re-paint them again (but now with magnetic bases), i have gone for Salamnder hopefully for the last time. Salamander Space marines - Games Workshop (early 2000's) Tubs of shame - Games Workshop 1997+     I am in hope that my pile of shame will vanish slowly, but i need to get playing with it,...

Some new toys...

 Hey folks, i have been working still on my mini's but have slowed down as i have tried to remedy the transport issue. I have some great foam containers form Tabletop top tyrant, but they fill up really quick.   So i have moved towards magnetic basing ... and although it is far more efficient in space saving, there is so many figure to re set up. Now, due to the that i have shuffled some projects around as i haven't the current patience do drill my 80 odd skeletons yet.... thankfully my inspiration for my Empire has re-emerged after getting my hands on a sensibly priced Steam tank and with July seeming to be hurtling towards me, along with the Resurrection tournament i really need to get shit done!    But for now here's my current complete Empire painting projects... Ostland here i come... 4th/5th Edition Era Empire Steam Tank 4th/5th Edition Era Empire Steam Tank 4th/5th Edition Era Greatsword, currently acting as my General 4th/5th Edition Era metal great cannon ...

One last batrep before Christmas...

 Warhammer 6th   I have the 4th game of my Grudge Match with Chaos. I have to say, it was fun playing Chaos for a change. Click here for Battle Report    Mt skeletons are getting painted. I have had a few games with the Tomb kings now... and have learnt a lot. Hopefully once more than half my army is painted i will get up some reports with them. Void 1.1 ... And so it begins. My Junker starter force has arrived. It was actual quite a nice suprise hat came with it... i must not have been paying attention. I t has a nice selection of miniatures, some dice, a rule book and a whole bunch of card tokens and templates. Its actually quite a nice start to the game. Junkers starter force, Void 1.1 (2021)  So with a few items to paint, and me having some time off over Christmas, i'd hope to get some stuff painted!

Happy Christmas

  Wow, its been a while since i posted. I was definitely hoping for a better year on the blog, but hey, that is life. So whats upon me at the moment...  Warhammer Fantasy 6th Edition      Well, fantasy has remained popular this year, and my 2k Lizardmen army is complete for now. I will be adding a few bits as i have time. Next July i have booked in to take part in the Warhammer tourney in Daventry so iam planning another 2k army so i will have some options.    Foolishly i am going for Tomb Kings, so i will see what i can do with them. They are not going to be the Egyptian style ones but more of a Barrow Wight army. It will be made up of various miniatures including some classic screaming skull catapults. The idea is this army was raised from the Isle of Wights on Albion. Skeletons from Warlord Games and Oathmark Skeletons from Warlord Games and Oathmark   I am still getting round to my backlog of battle reports. I have been working my way thr...

2020 Nearly Over...

   Well with all thats been going on i have still had time to work on a few project. MORDHEIM   Finally after many years, i have finished of my Sisters of Sigmar. These are great models, as is most of the Mordheim range but definitely of a soft spot for the Sisters and the Witch hunter models. After many years of indecision i went with purple and white for there colour. Something a bit different, but still recognizable.   The extra bucklers were made with the aid of "blue stuff" and Milliput. Hopefully we can get a new campaign going in the new year. WARHAMMER 6TH EDITION    Got some more of my Lizards done, now up to 2000pts. Didn't quite get them finished for the Battle Report, but they are all done now. Manged to do a quick painting tutorial on how i paint my skinks and a battle report up on my youtube channel.... its been a while, but i'm holding on to some vids just in case the lock-down persists. Click here for Painting Tutorial Click here for Battle ...

Still at it.....

 So still painting away, with limited chances to game. With my online gaming limited to thanks to internet provider updating mast for the last 3 month, so no idea how long that will last.  WARHAMMER FANTASY   My lizards are coming along, hopefully soon to be a 2k force. With that in mind here's a Battle report from our Escalation tournament. Click here for Battle Report   So after each game, we are going to try to get in a big game. This time we were missing a player so we did an Ambush scenario. It was fun with a win for the forces of evil. 28mm SCI FI   Got a little space game coming up so needed to make some terrain, so i, of course went to see what i could make out of cereal box card. It actually worked out really well, and will do me nicely. So i put together a quick "how to". Click here for scenery tutorial. EPIC UK   So i have managed to get a few interested in epic, and had  quick go at it. I forgot how simple and fun it was and will be lo...