
Showing posts from September, 2018

Middle-Earth SBG and DBA

Hey folks,                 I now have my mitts on the Middle-earth SBG rulebook and so far I am really happy with what has been done. I will hopefully do a quick review of the rules in a coming video, once i have had more games.   At my club we have a slow grow going for ME and I'm digging out my Harad to have and an excuse to get them painted. The first month is 150pts then: 300pts (October), 500pts(November) and finishing of 750pts (December). So far so good, as i am ahead on my Harad, so i am gonna try and get my Rivendell complete at the same time. This is going to be ideal as this December we will be running another Castle Duel, with more players, so it should be some great festive fun.  Heres the start of my Rebel Harad (so, rebel, as I may be playing on the good side for coming siege game): Also have my first 150pt Battle Report: Click here for Battle Report   I have got some more DBA 3.0 Battle Repor...

More DBA reports...

Hey folks,                 Here are the next two batreps, from my recent tourney: Click here for Game 2 Click Here for Game 3 Till next time.

DBA tournament and some Battle companies

Hey, folks. I know its been a while, but i have been busy at work and spending my time getting stuff painted and ready for the DBA tournament i ran.   I completed my Persians finally, and was happy how they turned out.The terrain pieces i made to go with them was a gentle hill, wood and two plough. I also had my road but i made that ages ago.   The tournament went well with 8 games payed in the day, which didn't feel too stressful and shows the strength of the system that you can so many games in during the day. This allowed each player to play their opponent twice. Once as the attacker and once as the defender.  You can find the report of the first game below: Click here for DBA battle report   Back along we tried out some battle companies to get ourselves ready for he new LotR's release and i have finally gotten round to putting them together: Click here for LotR battle Report That it will be it for know, i have plenty of...