
Showing posts from January, 2018

Saga on pre-order...

  Well i'm sure i dont have to tell many of you that SAGA version 2 is on its way to us. But if you don't know check out the link below: Click here fore SAGA pre-order! I  have to say this does mean i am in the mood to paint a few more of my Cornishmen, though whether they will all be painted in time is another question. Gripping Beast Welsh: to be my Cornish Whiteshields   Also i have got a couple more battle reports up. First is my Bolt Action batrep, where my Germans take on more Germans... Click here for Bolt Action report... German para's advance through the woods. Some of Warlord Games plastics i have actually painted!   Secondly, i got in a good old bash of Grimdark Firefight, with some classic Necron Raiders Click here for Grimdark Report... Robot legions vs Alien hives on a jungle planet.  At the moment i am wishing my paint brush would move quicker, so many games and so many great figs to get painted... so l...

First 9th Age beta game...

Finally got a little game of 9th Age in, using my gobbo's. Barring a few mistakes the rules seem to be pretty good, though it my take me a while to learn the new lingo. Click here for report...   My Empire army is slowly coming along. I wanted to update the swordsmen shields and so are currently making new shields out of milliput and a green-stuff mold. I went for a sword and halo design, going for something very Sonnstahl inspired.  Also for trying to get into Grimdark Future, i decided to drop my marines for now and dig up something a bit older. Thus i dug up my Necrons. I have to say its been a trip down memory lane for me these last months of painting.   When i started gaming in the mid to late 90's (a golden era of GW - but i think everyone says that), my fantasy army was Empire, while my 40k army was Imperial Guard. My mate i grew up with at the time enjoyed 40k, so we played 3rd edition and he used Space Marines, followed by Necron Raiders... ...

A quick report to start the year

  The year starts out with a quick dust off of some 40k minis as we play Grimdark Future. Click here for report...   Nice to have the old marines out again, though as we will be starting a campaign i am probably going to dig up some other old mini's up.  Coming up soon i have a quick 1000pt Ninth Age report with my gobbo's and a 1000pt Bolt Action report. See you soon.