It's been a while....

Hope you have all been keeping safe during this time. I haven't done much gaming, other than a few games on Universal Battles 2 or Table Top Simulator on Steam. I have been aching for some nostalgia and so been playing around painting some Fantasy, 40k and using a resin printer to raise some troops for Battlefleet Gothic and Epic.. Warhammer 6th Edition I have an elderly battle report from before the lock-down. It's part of a campaign i'm running, where i play the NPC armies including some DoW that I'm raising. Click Here for Batrep Here are some of my painted DOW, my Green Company. The pikeman are from Warlord Games, their plastic Landsknecht. Wilhem Hasburg, currently using this chap as wizard. Freelance Knight from Mordheim. Using him as Captain or Paymaster. Just to add to the fantasy section, here's an older video I hadn't put on my blog. Its an interview with my good...