2020 Nearly Over...
Well with all thats been going on i have still had time to work on a few project.
Finally after many years, i have finished of my Sisters of Sigmar. These are great models, as is most of the Mordheim range but definitely of a soft spot for the Sisters and the Witch hunter models. After many years of indecision i went with purple and white for there colour. Something a bit different, but still recognizable.
The extra bucklers were made with the aid of "blue stuff" and Milliput. Hopefully we can get a new campaign going in the new year.
Got some more of my Lizards done, now up to 2000pts. Didn't quite get them finished for the Battle Report, but they are all done now. Manged to do a quick painting tutorial on how i paint my skinks and a battle report up on my youtube channel.... its been a while, but i'm holding on to some vids just in case the lock-down persists.
Here's some photo's of the finished Skinks:
Thats it for now, see you next time!
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