SAGA: Anglo-danes vs Anglo-saxons.

So i am starting to try out my alternative Saxon force. To start with i have a couple of Pillage scenarios. So far i think the choice may well work, though  a Warlord Adviser will be a must. Now to find and appropriate model.


  1. I like those tree bases. Did you make them?

  2. Great battlereport. I enjoy watching your videos.

  3. What a nice report, well done!

  4. I bought myself a copy of DBA 3.0 as a Christmas gift, and I was wondering what you think of it compared to SAGA. Is SAGA good enough to justify the extra cost on a limited budget?

    1. They 2 distinctly different games. Both are great. Dba gives a fast paced rank'n'flank style game that can be completed in under an hour. SAGA is a lot more warband size game, with games taken a longer. But for budget you cant beat DBA. Especially in 15mm, compact, quick and cheap but still enough complexity for the game to feel strategic.
      Sorry for the slow reply, i dont get any alert for comments here. Cheers


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