More tourney action...

 Righto, got a few more Battle Reports up, as well as some of the things i'm painting at the moment.

Middle-Earth SBG

  So after painting up the made to order stuff i brought, i decided to use them in my next tournament a Kirton Games. So i ended up with just 4 models!

 It was definitely different and most of the games were quite quick, but what really surprised me was i wasn't the only one bringing a handful of models....

SAGA: Age of Magic

 Also got some more AoM in too...

 I am hoping to build a dead force up for this too, using Warlords skeletons, which although fiddly to put together, are nice spindly skeletons which look the part.

  Also thinking of a Wild force too using 5th Edition warhammer Lizardmen, so i painted one up while i was thinking about it.


  I have just brought into this game, and it seems like fun. It seems to be taking a bashing that seems a little uncalled for. But Warlord are listening and have been making some appropriate changes / explanations in their FAQ. While that all settles i'm raising some Spartans using Warlord's plastics.

Till next time... dha weles!

Figures Painted
Lord of the Rings - 25
Warhammer / Fantasy - 48
Warhammer 40K - 14
Historical 28mm - 5

Side commissions:
Lord of the Rings - 5
Warhammer - 1


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