Thanks for Watching!

   I have to say thanks that to all those that have subscribed to my youtube channel. I have finally crossed 1000 subscribers, which I honestly didn't see myself getting to. I know my vids are pretty crude to the modern standard and cover a varying amount of different games, so I appreciate the support. THANKS!


  So the next two games are up from Kirton Games and in the meantime I have taken part in another tournament since so plenty more to come, though i use a bit of an odd ball list in the next one.

I also manage to paint up some new elf recruits from the last "Made to Order" GW did. They are a trio of models i have wanted to pick up for a while.

SAGA: Age of Magic

 I finally have got my first battle report up for some AoM. The members of the club have keenly dusted off much of their old fantasy and we have been enjoying the mechanics a lot, so hopefully more to follow!

  Righto, thats it for now. I will popping across to "Attack 2019" to see if anything catches my eye. I'm sure a few will be taken. 

Till next time, dha weles!


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