Mordheim batrep plus...


   So finally back into playing Mordheim. Forgot how much fun it is putting a warband together and my Bretonnians were no different. My first game on the outskirts of Mordheim.. against Ogres!

Warhammer Fantasy

   With the painting of my Bret warband, i have been enjoying the look of the figures. In fact i am now working on some figures so we can play some old 6th edition fantasy with the "warhammer warbands" rules, to run a small escalation event. Hopefully getting a few other folks involved.

Early plastic Bretonnian bowman 
including a metal figure in the centre.


   Just to finish off, i have been working on some Hobbit figure. I wanted to try a new style of warband with all heroes and thought that Thorins company would be fun. So i brought the plastic set and started working on them, with currently only Thorin finished. This model was to have alternative assembly options... but not really. the arm swap from Orcrist to Sword and Shield is nice, but Orcrist's scabbard is part of the main body sculpt, so looks odd. In the end i went with Orcrist and cut up the arms to give me a wooden shield to glue to him.

 Thorin with Orcrist and (Oaken)Shield

 Thats it, till next time!

Figures Painted
Lord of the Rings - 16
Warhammer - 21
Warhammer 40K - 2

For sale:
Lord of the Rings - 3


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