First 9th Age beta game...

Finally got a little game of 9th Age in, using my gobbo's. Barring a few mistakes the rules seem to be pretty good, though it my take me a while to learn the new lingo.

  My Empire army is slowly coming along. I wanted to update the swordsmen shields and so are currently making new shields out of milliput and a green-stuff mold. I went for a sword and halo design, going for something very Sonnstahl inspired.

 Also for trying to get into Grimdark Future, i decided to drop my marines for now and dig up something a bit older. Thus i dug up my Necrons. I have to say its been a trip down memory lane for me these last months of painting.
  When i started gaming in the mid to late 90's (a golden era of GW - but i think everyone says that), my fantasy army was Empire, while my 40k army was Imperial Guard. My mate i grew up with at the time enjoyed 40k, so we played 3rd edition and he used Space Marines, followed by Necron Raiders...
  These guys had a new list in WD230 (i think), and we had a lot of fun with them. Nothing quite like watching my prized Lemun Russ battle tank being eaten by Scarabs (IIRC - for each scarab in base contact with a vehicle, it lowered the armour by 1), Shortly followed by a lord and Immortal retinue "Veil of Darkness(ing)" next to my Russ and blowing it sky high... ahh, the good old days.

 This guy still looks Badass in my opinion. 

  So after digging them up, and dusting them off, they will be getting a new paint job like the one above.

Till next time!


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