The Falling forces of Good...

Year 1, Month 4

  So far the forces have good have slowly been pushed back in the South, while in the North hope remains.
The North Yr1, Mth 4

  So in the north, with the extra recruitment a new banner was created in the Iron Hills. The banner then was moved to Erebor, in hoping of breaking the siege and breaking the stalemate. But it was not to be as the force were beaten out side Erebor. The two smaller banners unable to break the greater force and in the end the remnants of the banner retreated behind the wall, to stare hopelessly at the mass of goblins.
  In Rhun north though there was a decisive battle in which the advancing Evil army was sent back, while the forces of Arnor and Rivendell unite to drive the evil forces from he mountains.

The South Yr1, Mth 2
  In the South the armies of good were forced out of Pelannor and they retreated to Minas Tirith. While goods forces march out of Umbar to attempt to Strike the properties of the forces of evil.
  (Looking back now, this was a fantastic opportunity for the forces of good. If we had made this banner a Cavalry banner we could of taken Minas Morgal, The Black Gates and Barad dur. In the process stopping the forces of evil receiving 200rec, while the forces of good gaining 100rec. The forces of good inability to act quickly is helping the forces of evil, showing that in this campaign you must be decisive)
  Other than that Evil moved their forces from Pelagir to Umbar, while leaving Dol Amroth under-siege.

So that's it for another month!

Dha Weles!


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