
Showing posts from 2016

Quick Battle Report

  Its been a while since i have had anything to say, so i have put up a Battle Report. In the next week or two i shall be putting a proper update up with whats planned for 2017, but also what i have been currently doing... but till then! Battle Report. Click here. My new video intro cover... much nicer. Models are GB and Conquest   Talk soon....

The Village grows and the last nominee...

  So for my Winter Warmer with the Table Top Commanders, i decided my challenge will be completing my Cereal box village and seeing how far i can go with cereal box card as my main construction material.    With two buildings complete i next wanted to bulk out the cover so had a go at making some walls, as they make some quick and easy terrain. Click here for Wall tutorial   Still i am adding to my old Empire, though bored of the old rank and file, i'd thought i'd paint up a mercenary captain and who better than the model for Herr Felix Jaegar. The model seems small to the newer GW figs but still a great figure. Final Nomination    My final nomination for I am a wargamer goes to, "Battle Knights". I chose this channel as it has good videos, covering a range of different games, some of which you dont get to see many reports for and its always nice to see a range of games i a hobby. So good luck lads, your next! Check them out here! ...

Buildings, Games and oh, I am a wargamer!

 Okay, so continuing on with my Empire, i thought i'd go old school and make some building from cereal box card.. i was happy with the result, so i made a video on what i created. The buuildings design is basic enough that i could use it from the medieval period to probably ww2, plus wouldn't be out of place in Bree! Click here for tutorial  My Bretons are out again, hampering the Anglo-danes who decided to pick a fight. This time i squabble over a couple of bridges. Click here for report    Finallt i was nominate by Jack Sarge  for an "I am a Wargamer" video. So i filled in the challenge and completed it. The only thing i didn't do was decide on my third nominee. I though i would give the viewers a chance to put forward a wargaming channel for me to nominate. This way i get to pick through some channels, hopefully some of which i haven't come a across before. Click here for "I am a wargamer" so, see you next time... Dha weles...

Couple of battles and some WIP's

   Well i'm slowly catching up with my reports: Age of the Wolf    My Bretons charge up north and take on the Scots in the challenge. Click here for Report Battle Companies   My poor Rohan don't seem to be raising through the ranks very quickly. But at least I outnumber some Wood Eves 2-1, so this should give me a chance for some good results. Click here for BC report Other bits   Currently working on my sci-fi rule set, which is becoming a bit more organised.Had another run through the game, and still enjoying the brutal system... oh yes your troops drop quick.   A team advances through the debris in search of resources Models by Copplestone Castings    Finally some Empire are getting painted for my narrated campaign. I was going to use my own system but thinking about it, it may be a good way to show some War and Sorcery (fantasy War and Conquest). Altdorf handgunners. Decided on round...


  So lets start with the final month of the campaign for Lord of the Rings! Ouch, it was a bad run for the forces of good. last month a small light glistened but this month we were beaten down a peg or to. In the North desperate times pushed us to split our forces, but our inability to win matches had sorely hurt us.... the counter-attack the forces of evil gave us were harsh and brutal. Rivendel was swarmed by Harad, while Lorien fell to the goblins.   Though seeing the attack coming we tried to support with a cavalry banner but they where intercepted by the Easterling Cataphrakts, and defeated.  Year 1 Month 6...    In the South thing went better, but too late.. The blue has dwindled to naught but a few "enemy" strongholds. So with that players shook hands and we called it a day.... Conclusion   The campaign system itself worked well and everyone seemed to have fun, playing some extremely unbalanced games making things feel desperate ...

Maps, Wolves and Companies

Righto, lets begin with the Map based camapaign... Year1 Month 5 Another trying month for the forces of good.   The forces of good, begin to try and grab from the forces of evil what they can, by splitting some of their forces in a vain hope to hold out and inflict as much territorial damage as they can before the 6 month is up and another round of recruitment takes place.  Forsaking the strong defense of Lorien a cavalry banner is dispatched to take the undefended Dol Guldur. While the rangers are driven out of the Mist Mountains, back to Rivendell. Minas Tirith falls...   In the South, its sad times and Minas Tirith is heavily out numbered and taken. On the upside the force of good steal away Minas Morgul and drive the enemy from Rhun. But with fewer trooops battles are becoming harder to win for the forces of good.... Age of the Wolf  To keep our SAGA players sane we have started an AoW campaign. I decided to have a go at the Bretons as...

The Falling forces of Good...

Year 1, Month 4   So far the forces have good have slowly been pushed back in the South, while in the North hope remains. The North Yr1, Mth 4   So in the north, with the extra recruitment a new banner was created in the Iron Hills. The banner then was moved to Erebor, in hoping of breaking the siege and breaking the stalemate. But it was not to be as the force were beaten out side Erebor. The two smaller banners unable to break the greater force and in the end the remnants of the banner retreated behind the wall, to stare hopelessly at the mass of goblins.   In Rhun north though there was a decisive battle in which the advancing Evil army was sent back, while the forces of Arnor and Rivendell unite to drive the evil forces from he mountains. The South Yr1, Mth 2   In the South the armies of good were forced out of Pelannor and they retreated to Minas Tirith. While goods forces march out of Umbar to attempt to Strike the properties of the forces of ev...

Lord of the Rings Campaign continues....

So this time we we look at another 2 turns of the campaign, which will include some recruitment so you will get to see how that is achieved in this campaign. Year 1, Month 2 Year 1, Month 2 North   In North it was relatively quite this time round. With the forces of Good in the Northwest deciding to push their advantage into the Misty Mountains. Unfortunately evil side had seen and moved both they banners to the location.     So a quick run over some rules. If i haven't mentioned before cavalry banners move 2 spaces. At the beginning of the turn both sides right down all their orders for their banners and are all revealed at once. In the case as in here where two banners have moved to a fighting location, then each banner is built as a separate force, which will break as individuals too. Though for scoring VP in a scenario, count the whole force as one. This makes rapidly formed banners a little more fragile than a single banner of the same points.   ...

Lord of the Rings SBG Campaign begins...

  So with the net back its time to start catching up with my campaign. We are already 4 months in! But before that i have one more practice battle report up against the Harad: Click here for report. Metal knights with Milliput shields using a greenstuff mold.   So on to the campaign: Year 1 Month 1    So as said previously this campaign uses a node map and banners. Each banner is assigned a points value and you may create a banner between 200-1000pts. So anyone can fight at any banner with whatever models. this allows a club to be more fluid in the campaign, allowing different players on each side to cover for missing team mates etc. The only other considerations required is if your banner is a cavalry banner (which must be marked) and also named heroes are assigned to banners they fight at... this stops heroes from jumping around the map for any fights.   Also an important note, if a named hero dies, that hero cannot be used again in the ...

Lord of the Rings Campaign Countdown....

 Hey all, been a while... So i am hope fully back to the steady updates.   In two weeks my club will be starting its LotR Campaign. I have been bust making terrain and painting figures for it. But i am way behind schedule! But at least the map is complete:   The locations shown are the starting position; blue-good and red-evil. Most locations have a VP value for Victory Points, and a Recruitment value (R) for buying more troops. I will let you know more of the rules as the campaign continues, but for now both teams will have 4000pts to put into Army Banners worth between 200pts-1000pts and from there we will continue.   With much practicing required i got a game in with my elves against some Uruk-hai... Click here for battle report.  Till next time..

Some X-wing, SAGA and Lord of the Rings!

 I have finally got up the 3rd and final game from the PAW'16 Tournament. Click here for X-Wing Report   The tournament was well run and a great fun. This game does seem to work well for tournaments and i am looking forward to the next one. Till then i have somehow managed 2 tops out of 2 tournaments, So onward and upward! PAW'16  X-wing tourney First and Second. The chap next to me was standing on a box...honest!  I have also got a fun little game of SAGA in, using a scenario published in Wargames Illustrated. The scenario is a challenge for the Attacker, but its fun to play. Many thanks to my opponent, who made a cracking stockade. Click here for SAGA Battle Report   Finally, i have got back into playing Lord of the Rings. I really like this system but haven't played it in an age. So when a friend wanted to catch up for a 500pts game i mustered some elves. I think there may be new life brought back into that game system and ...

Game 2 - PAW'16

 Next vid up. In this next tournament match I take on fellow Dice and Dagger's club member with his Rebels. Click here for report

Game 1 - PAW'16 X-wing Tourney

  Quick report for from game 1 of a local tournament, held at PAW'16, Plymouth, UK. The show its self was great, with plenty of traders and participation games. Unfortunately no SAGA event, so i went for the one day X-Wing tournament, which had 14 participants. The tournament was well run the to Kirton Games who ran it (i hope to get to some of their big events), and there was a good mix of players and forces. So, game 1.... Click here for report.

A Couple of Reviews

  So finally had some time to put up a couple of reviews. Firstly a quick look at some fun large skirmish fantasy rules from Osprey Publishing in the form of Dragon Rampant. The secondly a look at some 28mm plastics from Conquest Games that i have been waiting to get my hands on for a fair while! Click here for Rampant Review Click here for Medieval Archer review

Dragon Rampant

  So i have got my hands on the "Osprey Publishing's", Dragon Rampant. A generic set of fantasy based on the historical rules Lion Rampant. The rules themselves are easy to learn and pick up, and is ideal for a club like in which players tend to have a huge variety of fantasy models.  The first battle report is below and will be followed by a short review, now i have had some practice with the rules. Click here for battle report  Currently my gaming club has been having a big change round with the move to a new venue, so we have dug some old games we haven't played in a while to try some other fun! Recently i played a game of Bloodbowl, with the Wood Elves vs Chaos. My Elves shocked most onlooker by scoring 4 touch downs and reducing the enemy team to 5 players!! Here the Chaos take on the Skaven... which lead to a bloody conclusion   Unfortunately i couldn't find a ball, so we kicked around a pumpkin... worked a treat!  This week e...

New Year, SAGA and X-Wing

  Well i hope you had a good christmas and a fun New Year. I have had a break, and now i'm back.   To start with at took part in a little X-Wing tournament in St Austell, at Mad for Miniatures. Not having any tournament practice i thought i'd ry to get one in before the PAW'16 tournament in Plymouth in February. The event was great fun and well organised, and managed to muster up 12 players in the little store. Below is a link to the report: Click here for X-Wing Report.   Of course part of the reason for getting into X-wing was the fact i didn't have to paint anything.. so naturally i ended up painting them.   Also i have now managed to finish the final part of the How 2 play SAGA video's: Link: How 2 Play SAGA  Due to computer crashes, mic issues and some 6hrs of sorting i have finally finished it. The next talk through will be broken down into more stages to make life just a little easier but for now this should do.