Well, hey folks. Its been a while, but I have a new report. Yes I have finally posted a SAGA version 2 report. Its a bit longer than usual as I discuss some of the changes as they pop into my head, which, as you can imagine, is at random points! Click here for theBattle Report So what else have I been up to? Well, I have been trying to organise some fun events at the club. I mean its open for 12hrs so there's no excuse for some big games. So to start with on May 27 th , I will be running a friendly SAGA tournament. Just a small one so old and new players can learn some of the new rules. It will be a 4pt event, which include some random doubles thrown in. This will be a good test to see how the new rules stack up, as we should have a mix of forces. Also it will be good to see if the game stays balanced at 4pts too. I was going to take my newly painted Cornish/Welsh warband but... other players are taking the Welsh, so for the sake of testing the ne...